
Friday, April 24, 2020

Trapped 4 the last chapter


When Jaxon walked into the hotel
and asked the lady working there if
he could have the key for the place
he was staying at. She said, “of course
you can, hmmm it looks like I’ve seen
you before?” Then Jaxon said back
to the woman “ I just moved to this
town so you might not know me”. Then
the lady gave Jaxon his room key.
Jaxon walked up the stairs to his room
and as he was making his way to the
room he noticed the hallway decor was
an old style that he had never seen
before. It gave Jaxon an odd feeling as
he arrived at his door, he glanced down
the hallway before entering his room just
to check no one else was there. Jaxon was
now in the safety of his room and as he was
just settling in he then realized that he
had to go shopping. “I’ve just settled in,
but I better go get some groceries,” said
Jaxon. So he went to the grocery shop
downtown. Jaxon found a nice little grocery
store in town and it looked so inviting that
he had a feeling that he just needed to go
in. When Jaxon was in the shop there were
a few people staring at him but he didn’t take
too much notice as he saw a very happy lady
at the counter. She had golden hair with
ocean blue eyes, with a light pink lipstick.
Jaxon found all the food that he needed and
proceeded to the counter. Jaxon said “hello”
to the lady and she smiled as she said “hi,
I have’nt seen you in here before, have you
just moved into town? Jaxon said “yes, I’ve
only been here for two days” then he was
done, and off he went. Then when he was
walking back he found a house that looked
just like his old house so he took his keys
and walked up to it but then got scared of
a noise inside the house. So he went running
back to his hotel thinking to himself “I will
go back there tomorrow”. The next day.
“Ugh, what happened last night? I don’t remember
how I got here, I must go down and ask the lady
at the front desk if she can tell me anything”
Jaxon was thinking to himself while he was
running to the elevator. When Jaxon got to the
lady at the front desk he asked, “Do you know
what happened to me last night?” The lady
then anwsered “ You came to the hotel last
night at 11:00 pm and fainted on the floor so
we had to carry you to bed and yes if you were
wondering we put your food away for you!”.
Jaxon felt a bit embarrassed and said “thank
you so much, I’m sorry that happened it doesn’t
usually” then Jaxon walked outside and thought
“that was strange I have never fainted before
for no reason. But I’ll try to figure that out later
, I need to find that house that I walked
past last night”. When Jaxon went for
a walk he finally found that house. Then
he had the guts to walk up and go into
the house. Jaxon slowly walked to the
door and realized his key could fit into
the keyhole in the door so he slowly
opened the door, it creaked all the
way and there were so many cobwebs
all over it. He walked inside and he heard
that strange noise that he heard last night,
and when he saw that it was just
a raccoon. But then he had a strange
feeling come over him then he remembered
that this was the old house that he
used to stay in and that maybe he did
live here before “but what happened?
Why can’t I remember that I lived in
this town before” but for now Jaxon
is so happy to have found his house?
He ran straight back to the hotel and
gathered all his stuff and went back
home. “Ah, finally I’m home I can’t
wait to get all settled in,” Jaxon said.
Reflection- This is the last chapter I'm doing it was fun

Question- Have you ever done a
chapter book before? what was
it about? what did you like about
all my chapters?

Book review 2

Author: Liz Pichon

Illistrator: Liz pichon

What was the book about?
Tom gets a new class project about
making a family tree and put all his
family’s full names in but Tom
doesn't know what his middle name
is so he and his friends start to play
by making up funny middle names for

What was your favorite part?
When Tom and his friends kept making
up random middle names like Tom
wooden Gates, Tom garden Gates,
and other funny silly names.

Reflection- I love reading Tom gates book they are so fun and creative

Question- What is your favourite tom gates book?

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Book review

Title: What monster?
Author: Liz Pichon
Illustrator: Liz Pichon

What was the book about?
When Tom gets a new teacher called Mrs. Gravel and also has a school play. When Tom and his classmates get a part in the school play. Also at the end the teacher starts being nice and letting class 5F play games in the hall all day.

What did you like about the book?
When at the start of the story Tom thinks he see’s a moving box but all his friends think he is joking and maybe it was just the wind. But you never know was it the wind or was it something that was in the box? You will never know
Reflection- This was fun because i love reding so much and ive read this book so may times

Question- How many tom gates books do you have at home? do you read them?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Trapped 3

“Oh no,” Jaxon thought to himself

as he was clinging onto his little
chihuahua. Jaxon tried to find his
way out but there were no signs
of any escapes. So the only thing
he could do was to freak out.
Since he didn't know what to do
he was having thoughts about how
he would be trapped there for
days, months and even years. He
screamed and screamed but no
one heard him at all. Day after
the day they both got hungrier and
hungrier and then his chihuahua
looked around the whole place and
since the chihuahua [ which Jaxon
called bobo] Bobo could fit through
the chains from not eating for so
long he walked over to the keys
very cautiously but he nearly got
caught so Bobo hid behind a pot
plant until the police went back to
sleep. When the police went back
to sleep Bobo quickly got the keys
and ran into the cage, But before
he could get into the cage he got
caught by the other guard while the
the guard said “Got you ya little
scummbag!” as he took the dog. Jaxon
was so mad that now he thought to
himself ‘what can I do to get myself
out of this place’ next Jaxon took
all the things he could find in his
cell and tried to escape. First, he
found a hair clip on the floor which
happened to be from the lady next
door and whispered, To himself “don't
mind if I do” then he ran and took it to
the door. While trying to make all the
items he found into a key he was feeling
a bit mad because he wanted his dog
back. “FINALLY” “I DID IT!!” Jaxon
shouted as he finally made the key open
the door and escaped. Now Jaxon needs
to find his dog. Jaxon searched and
searched and finally there the poor
chihuahua was standing in the cold
waiting for Jaxon. When Jaxon got the
the dog he ran and ran until he could see another
town and he said to himself and Bobo
“I guess we will have to live here now
Bobo” Chapter 4 coming soon!!!
Reflection- This is a fun chapter book
How many chapters do u think we will be
doing? And tell me what should be in
the next chapter?

Friday, April 17, 2020

Trapped 2


Jaxon dropped off his puppy, then
he raced back to work, Jaxon asked
the boss ¨where do you need me
to work? the boss man said ¨right!
Over here Jaxon “ok cool” he said
so when he was stepping closer to
his workplace he was starting to
sweat a little as he is a very shy
person at times. It was JaxonÅ› ' first
day on the job and there were very
weird people just staring at him,
and some waving at him too. He
was terrified of how some of the workers
looked. Some looked like Godzilla
and the other one´s looked like a hairy
looking bear but Jaxon just carried on
with his job. Next it was his lunch break
¨oh no! I forgot my lunch¨ now what
am I going to eat? Maybe I could scab
someone's lunch while they aren't
looking. Jaxon said ¨ok I´ll just wait until
they have gone away. Jaxon waited for
the right opportunity then they went away
so he reached his hand into the bottom
of the bag and swiped some sandwichs
and then quickly hid it so the others
wouldn't see. On that same day, Jaxon
thought he better go around the corner to eat the sandwichs but when he looked
in the sandwichs he noticed that it had
worms in it and disgusting spiders so
then he put it back and then ran off acting
strange. Jaxon decided that he needed
to get out of there so he picked up his
puppy and then ran back to the apartment
he rented a few weeks ago. Jaxon was
very nervous about the apartment he was
in as he started hearing weird noises like
ghosts and cats and people talking he was
getting really terrified he didn't know what to
do. Suddenly the bathroom door slammed
shut then Jaxon got scared so he swiped
his puppy up and crawled under the bed
as fast as he could. Jaxon and the puppy
woke up the next day to find themselves
somewhere strange ¨oh no! Jaxon said ¨
\were in a trap¨.What are we going to do?
he said ¨were trapped¨. They tried to find
their way out but they couldn't find a single
place to get free. Chapter 3 coming soon!!!

Reflection- This was a fun story to write
about but not that easy
Question-what would you like to see
in chapter 3?

How to post a slide on your blog

Reflection- This was easy for me because I learnt last year how to post a slide on my blog

Question- Has your teacher ever set you a challenge like this? if yes what
was it about

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


There once lived a man with one little
chihuahua they were going for a walk
but then they got lost so they had to
go and find somewhere to stay. They walked and they walked. 2 hours later….“
Finally look there is a motel across the
street” the man said as he ran across the
road. When he ran into the motel he
asked the lady if he could book a room
she said he could. It costs $100 dollars
for one room. “That's a lot for one person
don't you think.” said the man to himself.
The man paid for the room and the
manager gave him the key and escorted
him to his room. The walls were disgusting
, they had smeared food all over the wall’s
and there were dead rats in and under the
bed so he decided he wasn't going to stay
there anymore. He was going to leave in the
morning as soon as possible. The next day
they set off on their journey he then ran
into the cold morning mist with his dog who
was starving so he had decided to stop off
at a shop. But since Jaxon only had a little bit
of money left all he could buy was some chips.
Now you must remember they haven't eaten
for a really long time. Jaxon went off looking
for a job so he could make some money.  There
was a guy in town who offered him a job. It
was a good offer for Jaxon. Then Jaxon said
“ok sure why not, what time do i start?” The
other guy said “you can start at 8.30 am”
Jaxon [the man] said “ok deal”. It was the
next day so Jaxon got up early and got ready.
They then sped off to his job, “oh no it's
9.00am, im late” Jaxon said then his boss
(gobuldeguk) got angry at him. “it's your first
day and you better not be late tomorrow or
there will be trouble”said (name) “ok ok boss
i promise I won't be late tomorrow” said Jaxon.
So Jaxon tried not to be late. He sprinted to
his job as fast as he could then he asked one
of the people who has been working here for
ages if there was a place he could drop his
puppy off. The man said “yes there's a place
right next to here it is a puppy care center”.

Reflection- This was hard by myself until Maya helped me with it
Question- Have you ever been on a walk and got lost?