
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The mad hatter. QUESTION TIME

The Mad Hatter 

Question time! 

Who is the Mad Hatter?
A character from a book called Alice in Wonderland.

What book is the Mad Hatter a character from?
Alice in Wonderland.

Who was the author?
Lewis Carrol

Which other characters from the book do you know?
Alice, Dumblededum, Dumbledede, The queen of hearts and the hare

What might the Mad Hatter be looking at?

Do you have a favorite book?
Yes it's called, Billionaire Boy

Do you have a favorite author?
David Williams

Write about the last book you read. Write about the characters, setting, and plot if it is a fictional book, or lots of facts if it was non-fiction. [Once edited post to your blog].  The last book I read was called, Once a Panther. There were three main character's 2 children and one grandpa. It's about when the grandpa was young and he was going to a politics class, he lived in America and all the white people there demanded black people to go back to their own country.

Reflection- This was fun to write and answer.
question- have you done this
stuff before?
What was the last book
you read?


  1. that is a very good k

  2. This is some peice of learning i love it its soooo interesting well i still love the writing


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