
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Tidy numbers startegy

Walt-we are learning number bonds to 10,20,50,100

  1. 9+2=11
I know that nine plus one is
Ten. Ten plus one is eleven.
  1. 8+4=12
Eight plus two is ten so
Add two on it then it’s twelve
  1. 10+9=19
Ten plus eight is eighteen
So add one then you get nineteen
  1. 7+5=12
Seven plus one is eight
So add four then you get 12
  1. 6+3=9
Six plus two is eight
So six plus is nine
  1. 4+12=16
Four plus six is ten so
Ten plus six is sixteen
  1. 6+5=11
Five plus five is ten add
One and you get eleven
  1. 7+2=9
Seven plus one is eight
So add one is nine
  1. 8+1=9
Seven plus one is eight
So add one it is nine
  1. 7+4=11
Seven plus three is ten

So add one you get eleven

1 comment:

  1. This was an interesting read and way to learn! Thanks for sharing Kara


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